Thursday, January 25, 2007

"Up, Mommy!"

Dear Riley,
Your dad and I have noticed something different about you lately. You have started requesting things and your favorite word of the moment is, "up"! You have also been adding, "Mommy" to that which makes me very happy!!

You often come up to me with your empty blue sippy and say, "I want" and I will say,"What do you want?" and you will point to your juice (YOU WILL POINT!! What a miracle!!) and say, "I want juuuuccee!"

The new thing that Mrs. B and Megan are teaching you is "What is this?" and you will tell us what it is. You can do this with silky, Cookie, Elmo, chocolate, shoes..........and you are just starting so I can't imagine what you will say in the summer! We can also ask you where your head, ears, tummy, eyes, are and you will point to them and say the word. Although you still repeat some things we say, "Take your shirt off" or "Come here", I still think that your receptive language has grown so much since this summer.

You amaze us so much with little things that you know and do. I really think that you are going to break all the rules and show the world a little something amazing someday!! You make everyone who knows you so proud!

I want you to know that you being on the computer and handeling it like a pro makes me smile. You and Kylie have been fighting for it all day. Also, you can change a DVD at any moment to your choice. I also taught you to zip the other day. Things like this I never dreamed were possible.

I love you so much and I can't wait to see all that you have to show us. Please keep working as hard as you do and never, ever give up!!!