Sunday, January 27, 2008

Starting "The Diet"

Our family is going through a major transformation that is known around my neck of the woods as, “the diet”. I am referring to the GFCF or Gluten-Free/Casein-Free Diet. Riley is in withdrawal and the whole house is suffering!

It all started around Christmas break when we ran out of COLORED Goldfish. I emphasize colored because he would pick out the red, green, and purple ones to eat and leave the orange ones. I’m serious, he would have nothing to do with the orange ones. That was my first thought that maybe I shouldn’t let him keep eating them. I rationalized it with, “Well, he only eats 8-10 things anyway so why would I take these away from him?” Okay, so we ran out of them and he kept asking for them by name. We were really busy and in and out of town so I never really had a chance to go to the store and get any. He was without them for maybe over a week and we noticed a big change. He was alert, talking more, had better eye contact, opening presents, things were going pretty good for him, and us.

That’s when I noticed the big flashing light above my head that was saying, “Wake Up and Notice that some foods are NOT good for your child!” We had already learned that his allergy count was a whopping 300 something when a normal count is in the 20’s or 30’s. I immediately started doing research and came across an article talking about the artificial dyes that are added into some foods, especially Red Dye Number 3 which is synthesized with petroleum. Seriously, petroleum! I immediately went into the kitchen and noticed that the majority of foods that Riley likes craves are laced with artificial dyes.

It has taken a couple of weeks to rid him of the goldfish and fruit roll-ups that he craved daily. There have been some set-backs as well. Like the time we were all in Wal-Mart and he was yelling at the top of his lungs, “I WANT GOLDFISH!” Of course, I caved in a let him have some. And the time where he stayed with a friend and I had forgotten to tell them about the no goldfish policy. And the time, just this week, where he begged for them at Early CLASS. They only had the orange ones but he was so desperate that he ate those ORANGE goldfish!!!!

So, without having to put a sign on him that says, “Please don’t feed me goldfish” I am going to try to make him have a goldfish-free existence on this earth. And, while I’m ticking him off majorly, I may as well detoxify him of other things that may be hurting his system or simply find a stand-in for that particular food that is wheat and dairy-free. Let’s see, out of those 8-10 things that he eats, which ones will not make the cut? The aforementioned snacks are on that list, pizza, and the one thing that he lives life for- McDonalds! Now, I have no idea how I am going to take his burger and fries away. How can you substitute that? Especially when he has to eat in the car five days a week and he knows how to spot them out the window. Am I really going to say, “No” to him?

Well, “No” has been the secret word around here this weekend. And for the first time in Riley’s life, I am not afraid to tell him that word. I am going to abandon the theory, “If you say it, I will give you anything you want.” I’m not afraid of him anymore. I know that if he is going to be mad, it won’t last forever. And giving in is doing daily damage.

So, here we are. Over 24 hours into the diet and he has eaten what we have given him even though he has asked for several things that are certainly not on “the diet.” We gave him bacon and he looked at us and said, “Orange Rolls!” We gave him hot dogs and he looked up at us and said, “McDonalds!” But after a moment he sat at the table and ate them. He may not have eaten them all and licked his plate, but he didn’t throw a fit and he told us, “finished” when he was done. Success #1.

Hopefully the better he starts to feel, the more foods he will want to try. He hasn’t eaten spaghetti or soups in a couple of years but I feel that he may get over that hurdle eventually. As far as fruits and veggies, I don’t think that he will ever put any into his mouth. Bananas are the only fruit that he will eat. Sad, but true.

We are all a little bit cranky today from having to endure the wrath of Riley. He is doing well in spite of having his world rocked a little. I’m going to need special prayers during the week to be strong enough not to cave in to him. So, in the words of The Little Engine That Could, I’m going to leave the weekend behind and start the week with this thought.............”I think I can, I think I can.”

Friday, January 18, 2008

Whizzing All Over North Texas

Yea! The toilet training last week was not done in vain. Riley has been going in bathrooms all across the metroplex. He’s gone at Early Class, Elementary school, gymnastics, restaurants, shopping malls, etc. Last night we were eating out and he looked at me and said, “bathroom”. He used to say this because he was bored and looking for a change. I obliged and took him and he went right away.

Now, there is a downside to going in other bathrooms across the country. The cup. He needs the cup to aim the pee inside the toilet. So, I apologize to janitors everywhere because you are cleaning up more than usual since Riley learned to go to the bathroom.

Also, he likes his privacy. I have to make sure that he is situated, which is hard to do if you have to keep clothes and shoes on and climb on the toilet, and then he wants me to step away from the door and leave him be. How am I ever going to teach him to aim if I can’t be in there with him? So, I am just hoping that when he gets used to going a lot, I can teach him to stand up and do his bizness.

I am so proud of Riley and I pray that the success continues!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

First Day Back

YES!! Today was the first day back to both schools. Riley was so ready to go back, I’m telling you. He did great over Christmas Break, but when everyone started going back last week, he was a mess. Granted, had to sit on the toilet every 15 minutes and had cabin fever, but he was still a mess. Lots of stimming and repetition. Fun for a mommy to see. His worst day was Friday when Kristen came to see him. I felt so sorry for her and then I thought, “Wait, I’m the one that has to live with him. She gets to go home!” I say that only kidding, of course.

So, we told Riley that his new clinician would be Natalie and he said, “Natwawee” and I think it’s really cute. He gave her a hug today when he met her and went in to Early Class very happy. It only took 30 minutes for him to try to hit her. They were sitting in big circle and he didn’t want her to fix his book for him so he reached around and tried to hit her. Thankfully I had warned her so I think she protected herself. That’s when I decided to go run my errands. I refuse to be the crying mother in the gallery this semester!!

I did come back in plenty of time to see the rest of his day and he did pretty well. At the final circle time he was singing and dancing so great. He even raised his hands and shook them during The Boogiewalk! His talking was a little bit better today and I am hoping that tomorrow is even better. We have taken goldfish out of his diet and he asks for it everyday. I think he is craving one of the things that makes his mind so cloudy.

I also had to take his glasses back to the eye doctor today to get him new frames. He was angry yesterday and he twisted them until they broke into. At least they are only $25 to fix and he learned the word “broken”. On the not so bright side, he had to start Early Class without them. How hard is that going to be to get him to keep them on when he finally gets them? ugh


Don’t even ask me if Riley is potty trained. He is in NO way or shape ready to wear underwear outside of the house. He was great at the first of the week and then when he thought he was losing control, started holding out on me. He went for six to seven hours without relieving himself. He really loves to pee in his pull up or underwear, take it off, and clean himself up. He knows the difference between throwing the pull up in the trash and putting the underwear on the washing machine.

I feel that, if anything, I introduced him to the toilet and he will sit on that toilet everyday until we get success. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Update On The Potty Diaries

If I learned anything about today, it’s not to stress about this potty business because I found that Riley really feeds off of my emotions.

We didn’t have a great day but we did have some little successes. He did go pee in the toilet 3 times and got Reeses for a reward. The last pee that he had about 6:30, we all came into the bathroom and cheered him on. After that, he wanted to stay on the toilet and I thought that was okay since he probably needed to poo. Well, Alan and I got busy doing something else so we left him for a couple of minutes. When I went back to check on him, he was still chewing. Upon further inspection, I noticed the trash can. There were SEVERAL empty Reeses wrappers and the container with the rewards was closed and looked untouched. But it had been touched. Touched by a little boy who acts like he doesn’t know what’s going on. I left the container out because he didn’t act the least bit interested. Now I know that I can’t underestimate the craftiness of my monkey. He knows what he wants even if he isn’t showing or telling me.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Day 3 Of The Potty Diaries

Let me just start off by saying that if this week doesn’t kill me...........

9:00 Riley woke up. After not going to bed until almost midnight, he is loving his morning sleep-ins. I can’t wait to tick him off next week and throw his schedule WAY off. Another fun week for me. As you can read, I’m not exactly the text-book optimist this morning. Really, when am I ever? This potty training a special needs child is for the birds.

So, Riley woke up DRY. This is a no-brainer, right? I immediately took him to the toilet and sang with him and made sure he was in a great mood. I tried to keep him busy by blowing balloons, counting, Spanish, I was a three ring circus in that bathroom. I even left him alone to do his bizness in private. FORTY MINUTES LATER.........he’s not budging. This is a HUGE power struggle and he is working me over! Since I invented the power struggle, I thought long and hard and came back with that mini-fan that we took away from him several months ago. “First Pee Pee, then fan.” Lots of moaning and crying, then within a minute, I hear the sweet sound of victory.

Time of Pee Pee: 9:47

11:00-2:00 No action happening in the toilet or underwear. Yep. He’s holding out on me. We have started visiting the toilet every 30 minutes now.

2:15 Pee Pee in underwear. He came and brought me his soiled pants and put his underwear on the washing machine. I gave him a big fake smile and said some kind words while we changed his underwear. The outside was smiling and calm but my insides were saying, “I really don’t even care at this point. If it’s so much fun to pee and poop in your pants, so be it! BUT I GIVE UP!!”

Pick up Kylie at school. No accident in the car. Came back and sat on the toilet. He said, “Finished” without doing anything. My attitude has changed. I guess the fresh air helped me get a grip.

3:30 Skipped with Riley to the bathroom. Read him “Everyone Poops” Kylie and Katelyn stood behind the door and giggled. It IS a funny book. No action.

4:00 Sat on the toilet and finally pee 10 minutes later. Gave him a chocolate and praised him. I can’t wait until he comes to me in 5 minutes with poopy underwear.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Day 2 Of The Potty Diaries

So, we are entering into the second day of the potty training...I’m just going to say it, I don’t care.....and I must say that today has it’s ups and downs but I am rather surprised at how well Riley is adapting to this program. He really doesn’t have a problem with sitting on the toilet at all. He has books in the bathroom and he will sit and look at one for up to 45 minutes. The only problem with this is that I don’t know exactly when he goes so the delayed gratification will somehow come back to bite me in the booty. Also by letting him take his sweet time we are missing the “every 15 minute rule”. C’est La Vie!

When Riley hears the timer go off, he pretty much knows that it’s time for the bathroom and darts in there. He’s also gotten really good at telling me “finished” and wiping that hinny. I feel like he’s been a little “off” because another child is here today and I am sure that Riley has been getting jealous of my time. He actually screamed at me the other day when I was talking with Kristen. It was a scream like, “She is mine and I don’t want you messing with her!” We both noticed it. Also, he has said, “Maaaaad” alot. Still to have all that going on, he is still doing wonderfully with potty training!!

Riley has just been to the bathroom twice in the last hour and I think I am going to have to start sitting in there with him. I think, but I’m not sure, that he just faked me out twice to get gummys. He called out, “Finished”, wiped his hinny, flushed, then asked for gummys. I didn’t see a lot of yellow in the toilet but I gave them to him anyway. What a little phony! I was wondering if he would try this just to get treats. I gotta give him credit and if this little ploy is going to keep him interested in going, than maybe that’s not so bad. I am going to monitor the situation a lot better from here on out.

8:15 I woke him up with a FULL pull up of fresh pee

8:30 Sat on the toilet while I was on the phone. Very interested in his Shape book. He finally said, “Finished” and I discovered PEE! Time of Pee: 9:10 I am not kidding!

9: 35 No Pee or Poop

10:10 No Pee or Poop

10:22 Poop and pee in underwear. I smiled and made him clean it up.

11:05 No Pee or Poop

11:20 Lots of Pee! He was so happy with himself!

11:45 No Pee or Poop....We are getting in good practice of bathroom skills

12:30 1st fake-out appears to have happened...I can’t be sure

12:55 2nd fake-out incident...hmmmmm. now I am definitely catching on


There were 3 big successes and 4-5 accidents. To be positive, we had a BIG win when we were sitting in the car waiting for Kylie and Katelyn after school. We waited about 30 minutes and with about 8 minutes left to go, Riley said, “Pee-Pee? (pause) Poo-Poo?” I told him to hold it and after we got home set him on the toilet. Poop and pee immediately. YEA!!!!!
That’s the best thing that happened yesterday.

Monday, January 07, 2008

The Potty (Toilet) Diaries

Today is the toilet training day that I have been looking so forward to. It’s 7 days of Riley going to the toilet every 15 minutes. I have picture supports, social stories, motivators (chocolate and life saver gummies) and the bathroom is decorated ever so nicely with teletubbies. This morning when Riley woke up @8:30 he got a present. He was excited to unwrap it but not so excited when he saw that it was underwear. I made a big deal out of him wearing big boy underwear and today he was going to use the toilet. I slip up and say “potty” every now and then. Oops. So, here is the diary of Riley’s Toilet Adventures.

8:30 Sits on toilet. Will NOT go
8:45 No go
9:00 Cleaning up pee-pee in underwear from an 8:57 pee. Made Riley take underwear to the washing machine. He changed with no problem.
9:15 Sits on toilet. Yells, “No Pee Pee!”

We kept going every 15 minutes until:
10:25 Sat on bed and gave me a deep stare. Pee Pee’d all over his bed. WE ONLY HAD 5 MORE MINUTES TO GO!!! Made him take his underwear and sheets to the washing machine. Started wash.

We kept going every 15 minutes.
2:15 Sits on toilet. Asked for “Chicka Chicka 123!” Let him read his book. Left him. Helped Kylie on the computer. He sat for almost 20 minutes while I did stuff. I came back in and he said, “Finished” I told him to wash his hands. Looked in the toilet. YELLOW!!! Kylie came in and we praised him and gave him reward. He was SO happy with himself.

2:20 Poops in underwear :( We cleaned him up and he went and got underwear like it was his next pull-up. At least I have 30 minutes to myself now.

Going to the toilet to read Chicka every 15 minutes until.....

5:00 Sat down. Grabbed Chicka. I walked out. Sang High School Musical with Kylie. Walked back in. Riley says, “Finished” I look in the toilet. By golly, we struck GOLD! Yellow gold. Texas Pee!! I screamed with excitement as he grinned. He knew what he did. Gave him 2 gummies and he wiped and washed his hands. I think he may be a loner when it comes to doing his business. Kylie loved on him and praised him, too.

5:30 Sat, Sat, Sat

5:45 Sat, grabbed Chicka. I left to answer the phone. Came back and he was so cute I went to get my camera. Walked in, what are you doing? He was wiping his hinny. Riley POOPED! Sure it was just a little sliver and I probably won’t post it but it was the best looking sliver I have ever seen! Plus the fact that he was wiping himself??? He wanted gummies again and was so happy! Washed hands by himself and now he won’t leave me alone. He’s loving on me. :)


There was no more toilet action after 5:45. He sat on the toilet several times but to no avail.
I suspect that when he took a bath he let it flow. He has really gotten sneaky about that lately. He used to just stand in the bath and pee not caring where it went. Most of the time it went right on Kylie. That’s when she started requesting taking her own bath with her own private time!

Riley slept in a pull up and when he finally stopped talking and went to sleep, it was close to 11:00. I checked on him and he was still dry.

Good first day of the toilet experiment. I am really proud of my little guy!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Beady and Riley

There’s just something about these two that is so sweet. Every time we bring Beady to the party, she and Riley find a way to find each other.

Christmas Break

Riley is having a great Christmas Break. I was a little worried that he would regress having been out of school for three weeks, but I have never heard him talk more. He’s not just talking, he is communicating with us. He is looking me in my eye and saying words! A lot of these things end with OK? Alan says I am the one that says okay a lot. It’s just so great to hear him ask for specific things instead of scream. His favorites this week have been:

I want lights off
I want goldfish
C’mon, Let’s go...
I want to go
PIZZA! I want pizza
I want, Okay?
I’m stinky
Mommy, I want..... (YES!YES!YES!)
I want hamburger, McDonalds, or french fries
I want music
I want BINGO
What’s that
Who’s that
Draw pizza
Count book
Smell the flowers

I have really been happy with the progress Riley has made from school last semester. I know that it will be really hard for him to go back, especially learning a new clinician and getting back into the routine. We won’t get to see Kristen everyday but she did come over yesterday to visit. I asked Riley who she was and he said, “Kristen!” He was so excited to see her! I told him to go open the door for her and he squealed with excitement! It was nice to see him play with her and use lots of words. We are going to start seeing her every Friday afternoon for therapy. He has such a rapport with her and she is great with him!

Hopefully he will go back potty trained because next week is the week for the dreaded “stay home every day and go to the potty every 15 minutes while wearing underwear” curriculum. I am excited because I know that he is more than ready, yet it will be a hard week of screams and impatience. You can guess if I am talking about me or Riles.

Other than going to bed at 11 or 12 every night, it has been the best Christmas break ever. We have really never seen him so aware and listening to our directions and actually following them. I can say, “Go tell Daddy” and he runs right in there to Alan. It helps because he doesn’t just count on me anymore. He is letting other people into his little world and it is so powerful to see.