Thursday, January 10, 2008

Update On The Potty Diaries

If I learned anything about today, it’s not to stress about this potty business because I found that Riley really feeds off of my emotions.

We didn’t have a great day but we did have some little successes. He did go pee in the toilet 3 times and got Reeses for a reward. The last pee that he had about 6:30, we all came into the bathroom and cheered him on. After that, he wanted to stay on the toilet and I thought that was okay since he probably needed to poo. Well, Alan and I got busy doing something else so we left him for a couple of minutes. When I went back to check on him, he was still chewing. Upon further inspection, I noticed the trash can. There were SEVERAL empty Reeses wrappers and the container with the rewards was closed and looked untouched. But it had been touched. Touched by a little boy who acts like he doesn’t know what’s going on. I left the container out because he didn’t act the least bit interested. Now I know that I can’t underestimate the craftiness of my monkey. He knows what he wants even if he isn’t showing or telling me.

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