Friday, September 21, 2007

Beginning a New School Year

Dear Sweet Riley,
You are so lucky to get to go to a great school this year! We enrolled you in the Early CLASS at Callier Center in Dallas and you are absolutely loving it! I get to take you in the morning and you eat your food on the way and then sing songs before we arrive. It takes us a little under an hour to get there and when we pull into the parking lot you unclick that seat belt and are ready to go inside. I have to get there in plenty of time for you to play in the playroom before Kristen comes to get you or you get pretty angry. Once you say goodbye to Mommy, you walk into class like such a pro and don't look back.

I can see and hear everything that you do in the Parents Observation Gallery and me and the mommies talk about strategies to further your communication and social skills. I have learned so much about you and have seen how much you have come along just in three short weeks. Sometimes I need a break and run to get coffee but I always catch you in circle time singing and saying, "Hello Friends" and "Goodbye Friends". You are really starting to say, "I want ___" a lot more and that is way better than the screaming! One thing that you are struggling at is making choices. We really need to work on that more at home, too.

You love your new schedule. Right after Early CLASS we go to big school at the Elementary where they placed you. Not Kylie's school. :( But it turned out to be a great fit and the two teachers that have that class are teaching you and loving you so much! I feel so safe with you there. In a couple of weeks you will start private speech and occupational therapies that insurance will pay for and I know that you will be doing so much by Christmas.

I love to watch you pick up new things and love what you are doing. BINGO is your favorite song right now as well as the days of the week song. I love to hear you sing them! You are my bright little shining star!!