Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Seeing The Bigger Picture

Okay, so I started this blog so that I could document what Riley is doing and what he isn't doing. Also, I can be negative and no one has to know! There are only a couple of days a month where I just want to give up and don't want any part of this autism thing. Other days I am so proud of my special little boy for how far he has come. But there isn't one day that I don't want to be his mommy. For some reason, God picked me and Alan to parent him and there is no way that I can let Him or Riley down!

Some days are great! He is repeating things that I want him to and sometimes repeating, (echolia) things like, "What do you want?" I am having a hard time wondering why he stims and doesn't want to talk some days, as well.

Yesterday, we went to Nana and Poppy's house and he was determined to make me push him in that car that they bought for him! He would pull me and scream and would NOT take "No" for an answer. Also he didn't want one of his favorite people, Poppy, to push him. Finally I had enough so me and the kids packed up and left. So much for a free meal at Nana and Poppys!

Alan went to Mexico but will be back Thursday night. It's just me and the kids until then and I have so much on my mind. Here are some things that are weighing me down:

1. I had to call MHMR today and get Riley on "the list". This is a ten year waiting list for kids to be able to get almost any service paid for by the govt. I think. Also, when it kicks in, we may or may not need it. Who knows? All I know is that MR means mentally retarded and I really wanted to stay as far away from "the list" as possible. Brooke the therapist talked me into it.

2. Alan and I have a chance to go to a Conference for Parents of Autistic Children in September. The keynote speaker is a 25 year old guy who had severe autism as a child. I am encouraged by stories such as these. I am also a little apprehensive about going but I know that we will learn alot of information.

3. Riley has to get evaluated by the public school down the street so that he can go every day for a couple of hours, free. I really wish we had the money to put him in a private school. But, I know that the school may be able to help him. I am praying that I can get child care for him on two days so that Kylie and I may go to Sunshine School. It is really important to both of us.

I guess that is all that worries me today. On a side note, Riley is no longer taking off his poopy diaper, therefore getting poop everywhere! Yea!! He now comes and tells me in some way.

Lord, Please help me to see the progress and all the milestones that have been reached from this incredible little boy! Let me strive towards serving you and all the rest will fall into place. I know that you have my interests at heart and I pray that you will help me be patient in seeing the bigger picture. Thank you for allowing me to spend time with someone so unique that can actually teach me a thing or two. You are a great and awesome God!


Stacy said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Its a great way to release and share :)

Mom to Mr. Handsome said...

Glad to meet another mom that needs to vent sometimes and also applaud their wonderful children :o)

Big "HI" from Kristin