Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sweet Singing

Dear Riley,
You sing so sweetly! Last week you started singing something that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Finally, Nana told me it was "Tiny Tim" the turtle song. I sang it for you and you looked at me like, "How did you know?" So I asked your teachers if they sing it to you at school. der They told me that they don't sing it, but it's on a cd that you dance to. They sent me the cd home and the second that I played it in the living room, you looked at me like, "I know that song, mommy!" Your face was so sweet! You love to sing and are frequently bringing songs that you have heard home with you. I love that about you!!

Last night at Kylie's soccer practice you played football with two of the older boys there. You were throwing the ball up and they would catch it and throw it back to you. You caught it once and were having the best time with them. It was so much fun to watch!!

Also, instead of saying "Blue" you have been saying, "Boooes Cooes!" I love that, too. There's not alot that you do that I don't love. How sweet you are and how far you have come. You know immediately to say, "Thank you" when I fill your juice. And you are coming to me after you poop and dragging me to the bathroom to change you. Any day now, kid, and you will be right on track. I can't wait to see your gifts come to life someday and really see all that you have to offer. What a special gift you are!!

1 comment:

Melly said...

This is such a sweet blog! I love it!